Today I learned…

I am Alex, father of two, software engineer with dedication to web technologies.

This is my blog. I write it because

  • I like writing as an exercise
  • I believe blogs are an important part in the web - to share information, to share knowledge and experience
  • I can use it as a way to write up stuff I otherwise would lose and I can always look it up again here

You can also find some content on the microblogging platform mastodon linked in the sidebar.

In my daily job, I work with a stack of Typescript, thus Javascript, and Angular in the frontend; in the backend, I tend to build serverless backends, also in Typescript and I love to automate all the things (tests, builds, deployments, infrastructure work) as that is the only thing that can truly scale.

While the cloud is my daily work environment, I also love to tinker with small embedded devices and use the soldering iron to make stuff - probably a form of compensation :-).